Ticky-Ticky - The walking/running sound made by hamsters.The meaning is "to hide." Of course, it is cute. Shashaa! - A combination of 'Kossori' - quietly secretly stealthily - and Kakureru - to hide.('Hou' means cheek, 'Zuri' means to rub) It means "cheek to cheek" in English. The word used in the Japanese version, "suri-suri," came from a Japanese word "Houzuri". Schmubby-Wubby - The sound made when the hamsters show their affection for one another.The Japanese equivalent of this word is "kaji-kaji". Paka-Paka - Sound used when a hamster takes a bite out of something.Ouchichi - An expression of pain, like "Ouch! It hurts!".The Japanese equivalent of this is "pero~n". Oowah - Sound used to convey sleepiness, like a yawn.Oopaa! - Enthusiastic sound used when hamsters see something they desire and take off after it.Ookyoo! (or Ookwee!) -The cute noise that Penelope makes.Kushi-Kushi - Sound made when hamsters are embarrassed or shy or when they are cleaning/grooming themselves, or scratching their heads.The Japanese equivalent of this word is "mohi-mohi".

Krrmp-Krrmp - Sound used to convey eating, like "munch-munch" or "crunch-crunch".The Japanese equivalent of this word is "kunka-kunka". Heke? - Sound made when surprised or confused or when hamsters discover something.Hamm-Hamm - Sound used when eating but also used when hamsters are being petted.The hamsters' version of the Japanese expression "oha-!". Encompasses expressions like "good morning" or "hello". Hamgoof - Sound used to convey disappointment.Hablah! - The word Auntie Viv uses to express frustration, like "Nuts!" or, "Darn!".Grooba! - A expression that conveys a lot of effort, putting your all into something.Diggi-Duggi - The sound made when the Ham-Hams dig a hole, scratch.Daplunk - Sound made when Boss jumps down from something.The Japanese equivalent of this phrase is "Dabba-to!". Daba-Daba (or Dobo-Dobo)-The walking or running sound made by Boss.Chick-ah-Chick-ah-Chick-ah - The walking or running sound made by hamsters.Cappy-Cappy- The running sound made by Cappy.Badda-Badda -Sound conveying the thumping of running feet.Atata Achaa -I can't believe it happened.Ham-Chat dictionaries have been made to help hamsters learn new words in order to communicate with others. It appears that Ham-Chat's use had dwindled in the series' timeline, as many hamsters stopped using its words altogether, or kept one word exclusively used by them. Some examples of this are Boss' " dabba dabba", Cappy's " cappy-cappy" and Penelope's " ookwee!". Also, some hamsters have words of their own that no one else uses.

Note that many hamsters do not use Ham-Chat at all, and some use it much more.
#Hamtaro ham hams unite sky garden full#
Many words require physical actions to perform in order to communicate the word's full meaning. Ham-Chat is not a complete language, but rather a pidgin to be used in tandem with modern language. 4 Ham-Chat from Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak.3 Ham-Chat from Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite!.